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Deformities In Newport Beach, CA

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Breast Deformities

There are many causes and presentations of breast deformities. Breast deformities may present themselves quickly following your breast augmentation, or they can develop over time as a result of weakened breast tissue. Unlike poor implant positioning, which is traditionally caused by issues with the implant pocket, breast deformities result from unsuitable implant materials or inconsistencies with the surrounding tissue.

Types of Breast Deformities

Double Bubble

Double bubble deformity occurs gradually and is the result of weakened tissue in the lower pole of the breast. A double bubble forms when the breast implant remains secure in the breast pocket but the lower breast tissue begins to droop, causing the appearance of a secondary mound of tissue under the breast implant. The outline of the implant and the mound of tissue create the look of a double bubble. The drooping breast tissue is likely the result of ptosis (sagging). Some women will develop double bubble deformity because of untreated ptosis that was present at the time of their augmentation. Other women will find that ptosis develops as they age and gravity negatively impacts the integrity of their breast tissue.

Wrinkles or Rippling

Patients with thin breast tissue are more likely to experience breast deformities that result from irregularities on the surface of the breast implants themselves. In the wrong patient, saline implants are prone to developing a visible rippling effect because the implants are comprised mostly of water. The uneven surface of textured implants may also be visible through thin breast tissue. Wrinkles and rippling are not consistent between patients and ultimately develop depending on the quality of your natural breast tissue. While some women may have continual visibility of their implant rippling, others will find that it only occurs when the breasts are placed in certain positions.

Implant Edging

Implant edging is when an obvious outline of the breast implant becomes visible through the breast tissue. It occurs for a reason similar to what causes visible wrinkles and ripples: when there isn’t enough natural breast tissue to mask the outline of the breast implant. Patients with thin breast tissue who lack an excess of fat and/or glandular breast tissue surrounding the implants are more prone to having visible implant edging. While it is most common in the lower pole of the breast, implant edging can occur around any portion of the breasts. Poor implant positioning can also result in implant edging. Some women choose a subglandular implant placement to prevent distortion of the implant during muscle contraction. However, a subglandular placement is more likely to result in a visible implant edge.

Lack of Breast Definition

While some women have thin breast tissue, other women have an overabundance of breast tissue. Excess fat in the lower portion of the breasts can cause your breasts to lack attractive definition. Additional fat in the upper abdomen and along your sides may also prevent your breasts from creating the voluptuous curves you desire.

Poor Nipple Positioning

Another result of ptosis of the breast tissue is the waterfall effect. The aging process causes breast tissue to become weak and fall away from the breast implants, contributing to a waterfall-like appearance. The shifting of breast tissue on the front of the breasts can result in poorly positioned nipples. A natural, perky breast appearance has nipples that project outwards. Sagging breasts commonly have nipples that point down toward the floor, robbing you of a youthful breast appearance.

Solutions for Breast Deformities

Breast deformities can be complex, and for many patients, there isn’t a single, straightforward solution to correct their issue. Dr. Strawn may use a combination of techniques to treat your specific need. The following are possible solutions that may be used to improve a breast deformity:

  • A breast lift can be performed to move the nipples and areolas into a more favorable position.
  • Dermal Matrices may be used to reconstruct and reinforce the inframammary fold.
  • Implant exchange is used to increase or decrease the size of the implants, change from round to shaped implants, and/or change the texture of the implants.
  • Liposuction treats fat along the inferior and lateral portion of the breasts to enhance definition and improve your breast appearance. Fat harvested from liposuction may be used for fat grafting to custom-shape other areas of the breasts.
  • Fat grafting is performed as a final shaping tool to smooth out the edges and make the breasts appear natural.

Your Breast Revision

At Scultura Plastic Surgery, we focus on providing hands-on care and customized treatment plans. Dr. Strawn is a leading expert in revision surgery and believes that a combination of tools must be used to create your ideal breast appearance. Dr. Strawn spends over an hour in consultation with his patients to develop a detailed, customized treatment plan. Patients often present with more than one issue causing their poor breast appearance. For this reason, multiple techniques are often required to get the most natural, flawless results possible.

Supporting You Every Step of Your Breast Journey

If you are unhappy with the results of your breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with Dr. Strawn today. Contact our office at 949-612-7231 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.